Sunday, April 22, 2012

portfolio task 4

These days people are having a hard time reaching consensus on whether children should be taught to have a sense of cooperation or a notion of competition. Children have to compete with each other and also, they have to cooperate with each other. I will discuss both sides in this essay.

Cooperation is the most important thing that children should be taught. Children should be taught to cooperate because by this way they will learn how to listen to other opinions and respect them. Working with a group needs opinions and every member says his opinion and others should listen and respect. If children are used to working in a group and have a team it will be easy for them to hear opinions and think of them and respect each other’s views even if they do not agree with them. Moreover children will know how to deal with others and have self esteem. It will be useful to know people and know how to deal with others.

On the other hand, it is equally important to raise the competition between children because that encourages the child to do the best and do better than another child. The competition between children is useful and helps to improve the children’s skills.

I believe that both cooperation and competition are important for the children. Also both are equally important. We should teach the children how to be cooperative and competitive.

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