Sunday, March 11, 2012

portfolio task 2

The two bar charts show reasons that motivate students of different ages to study and also, the support they receive from employers by age group in terms of time off and help with fees.
The first bar chart shows that younger students study to improve their career. For example students under 26, 26-29, and 30-39 had 80%, 70%, and 55% respectively. The exception in the first bar chart the group aged over 49 because they study for interest and that accounted for 70%, while the students under 26, 26-29, and 30-39 accounted for 10%, 15%, and 25% respectively.
The second bar chart shows the employers’ support for the younger students are more than for older students. For example under 26, and 26-29 had more support, that accounted for 65% and 52% respectively. While the students over 49 had less support; that was 45%.
To sum up, generally speaking the overall picture indicates that the younger students study to improve their career and they had more support from employers.

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