Saturday, May 26, 2012

portfolio task 6

It is clear to me that the idea of a single global currency is an excellent ideal to work towards. There can be no doubt that trade and travel would be vastly easier. On the other hand I believe that it would cause problems today.

Having a single currency would eliminate problems during paying. Paying by credit system, chip and pin card, or any thing else would be easier because at that time there will be no commission or changes in exchanging money. During traveling travelers will not face any difficulty in searching for an exchange office to pay for their goods. The currency is the same and he will be relaxed. Moreover there will be no risk in failing. All of the countries will have the same currency that will not cause any problem at anytime. No sudden events or disasters will fail the currency in a sector or the whole country.  

In conclusion I see a global currency as a future ideal but it will not happen in my lifetime. It would make trade and travel much easier but the problems it would cause nowadays would be insurmountable.

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